Hélio Oiticica
Metaesquema (1958)
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Tate collection
Arnold Auerbach, 1898-1978
Eugène Berman, 1899-1972
Simon Bussy, 1870–1954
Claude Cahun, 1894–1954
Katherine Cameron, 1874-1965
Georg Ehrlich, 1897–1966
Charles Ginner, 1878–1952
Cuthbert Hamilton, 1885-1959
Sir Gerald Kelly, 1879-1972
Edwin La Dell, 1914-1970
Maurice Lambert, 1901–1964
Arnold Mason, 1885–1963
Reuben Mednikoff, 1906–1975
Howard Mehring, born 1931
Ivor Roberts-Jones, 1916-1996
Franz Roh, 1890–1965
Scottie Wilson, 1889–1972
Edwin Whitney-Smith, 1880-1952