Pleae join Deaf Guide Dafydd Jones for a tour in which we explore artworks at Tate Modern that have been displayed outside the conventional gallery environment, for example in Councourse spaces and in the Turbine Hall. Dafydd will introduce us to artworks by David Batchelor, Jenny Holzer, Huseyin Bahri Alptekin and Danish collective SUPERFLEX.
Tate Modern
British Sign Language Tour: Creative Interventions

© Tate Photography
Explore artworks around Tate Modern through a tour delivered in British Sign Language
Tate Modern
Date & Time
2 March 2018 at 19.00–20.00
As this tour will involve moving around four floors of the Blavatnik Building and the Turbine Hall please contact us if you have any access requirements. We are able to provide wheelchairs and electric scooters but these would need to be booked. Please email