Drop in and take a surreal journey through the Hours of the Night, where subconscious fears and dreamlike states come together in a dramatic funerary landscape. Images from papyri, captured by Liverpool Egyptologist and photographer, Julia Thorne, are interpreted by Egyptology experts from the University of Liverpool, providing an insight into the beliefs of an ancient people.
Then, armed with a visual appreciation of the ancient Egyptian underworld and inspiration from an established comic book illustrator, help us to interpret the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by illustrating its spells. This is your opportunity to reinterpret the ancient literature, and have your unique creations displayed and discussed in Tate Exchange Liverpool.
Programmed in association with University of Liverpool, a Tate Exchange Liverpool Associate.
Tuesday 5 December, 10.30 - 12.30
Drop-in photography workshop led by Julia Thorne. Suitable for everyone.
Wednesday 4 December, 14.00 - 15.00
What Dreams May Come: Ancient Egypt's Surreal World with Dr Roland Enmarch
Thursday 7 December, 11.00 - 12.00
Book of the Dead: After-Life Through a Lens, a talk and practical session on photographing artefacts in museum. Places are limited to 10, on a first-come first-serve basis. To reserve a place, please email G.Criscenzo-Laycock@liverpool.ac.uk and don't forget to bring your camera!
Saturday 9 December, 14.00 - 15.00
What Dreams May Come: Ancient Egypt's Surreal World with Dr Roland Enmarch
Sunday 10 December, 11.00 - 12.00
Book of the Dead: After-Life Through a Lens, a talk and practical session on photographing artefacts in museum. Places are limited to 10, on a first-come first-serve basis. To reserve a place, please email G.Criscenzo-Laycock@liverpool.ac.uk and don't forget to bring your camera!