What does it mean to queer? How might we occupy a space and queer what surrounds us with dance and music? What about this is political?
Artist Paul Maheke invites you to take your place on the dancefloor and experiment with movement and fluidity. Gathering together different elements from the dance club like sound, light and moving image, you and your family are invited to hang out, move, chat and explore different ways to turn the Learning Gallery into a space for queer celebration.
Feels and flows has been developed in response to Queer British Art (1861–1967), by artist Paul Maheke and the Early Years and Families team.
Events with artists
Movement workshop for families with artist Paul Maheke (booking required)
26 August 2017, 12.00–15.00
Come and chat to the Early Years and Families team
Summer Holiday weekends, 12.00–17.00
All events are free and open to all ages