The modern sublime

Mark Rothko 1903–1970
Black on Maroon 1958
Oil paint, acrylic paint, glue tempera and pigment on canvas
support: 2667 x 3812 mm
Tate T01031
Presented by the artist through the American Federation of Arts 1968
© Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko/DACS 1998
Mark Rothko
Black on Maroon 1958
Tate T01031
© Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko/DACS 1998
In this section essays and case studies explore the various ways in which artists responded to the sublime in the twentieth century.
How to cite
‘The modern sublime’, in Nigel Llewellyn and Christine Riding (eds.), The Art of the Sublime, Tate Research Publication, January 2013, https://www