You might like Left Right ‘Songs of Innocence’: Title-Page William Blake 1789, reprinted 1831 or later The Schoolmistress Maria Spilsbury c.1803 God Judging Adam William Blake 1795 A Boy Reading Ramsay Richard Reinagle c.1795 An Allegory of the Bible. Verso: The Shins of an Écorché Male Figure William Blake c.1780–5, ?c.1780 The Temple of Mirth, after Thomas Stothard William Blake 1784 ‘Coffee is quite ready Gentlemen’ Henry William Bunbury ?c.1783 A Bench of Artists Thomas Rowlandson 1776 Two Girls and a Baby John Flaxman date not known A Blue-Coat Boy Samuel Hieronymous Grimm date not known Illustration to Bell’s ‘Poets’, Scene in Medallion with Cartouches, Etc. Above and Below Thomas Stothard date not known [title not known] Verso: Incomplete Studies of Head and Shoulders, Standing Figure and Woman with Child, and ?Part of Sketch John Flaxman date not known